Having worked in the Catholic Church all my adult life, September always felt like the beginning of the year and, like a student with new books, I get excited for the coming adventure of learning more and doing more. I need to say, though, that a bit of the wind is out of the sails with the revelations of sex abuse by Archbishop McCarrick, with the Pennsylvania attorney general report and with the infighting at the Vatican. The moral authority of the bishops has taken another hit, and this has consequences for all of us trying to live our faith through good works.
I recall, though, Vatican II’s document on the laity, Apostolicam Actuositatem, which reminds us that, “the laity likewise share in the priestly, prophetic and royal office of Christ and therefore have their own share in the mission of the whole people of God in the Church and in the World.” (#2)
My friends, we are the Church too. Let us embrace our roles as priests, prophets and rulers and work to transform both the Church and the world despite our personal failings and those of our institution. See my full reflection on this crisis here.
With Gratitude,
Dan Misleh
Founding Executive Director
Catholic Climate Covenant