Submitted by Jay, GA
Both from an ethical and practical standpoint, bee conservation is necessary. Kelsey Graham of the Department of Entomology at Michigan State University notes that “wild bees are vital for crop pollination,” and are actually “more efficient at pollinating crops native to North America than honey bees.” Chelsea Harvey writes in The Washington Post: “Species that aren’t pollinating crops are still pollinating other wild plants, which may be important to the larger ecosystem, creating food and habitat for other wild species.” Their decline impacts an ecosystem we share with bees, and if one part of an ecosystem is threatened the entire ecosystem is threatened. Also absconding bees are frustrating beekeepers. Hive examination points reveals pesticides are to blame. Forager bees may return to the hive with contaminated pollen and nectar, or even carry pesticides on their body. “ The issue is chemical use and general mosquito spraying .
- Get informed on Sustainable Landscaping and Gardening principles and practices (
- Plant and enhance native and pollinator friendly gardens
- Eliminate use of chemical herbicides and pesticides in all our gardens and landscaping.
- Support community gardens and purchase locally produced sources of food
- Plan menus based on seasonally available produce and fruits
- Actively engage in my parish and diocese Creation Care ministries and initiatives to implement and take to heart Laudato Si and the archdiocese action plan.
- Get informed - Recycle Right
- Stop Litter...
- Join and engage in the Citizens Climate Lobby and as a Climate Reality Leader.
- Advocate, advocate, and advocate...