These are prayers and worship resources that can be used during the COP28 session
(Nov. 30th-December 12th, 2023) in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Pope Francis will be attending the COP session in early December and is expected to address the delegates. It is important that we pray that we see positive outcomes at this COP, for the safety and well-being of the Holy Father during his trip and that his message be heard, for people and communities affected by the climate crisis, and for the church to take action on climate.
- Prayer for the COP28 climate summit, CAFOD
Prayers and Meditations for COP28, Interfaith Liaison Committee to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change
A prayer for COP28, Jesuit Missions
Care of Creation Commitment Prayer, adapted litany from Pope Francis' 2023 Message for the celebration of the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation
How to Pray for COP27, Tearfund (Though created for last year's COP, the prayers of intercession and prayer/worship ideas are timeless).
A Prayer for Our Earth, Laudato Si' prayer