Protagonists for Transformation: Young Catholic Leaders for Climate Justice

In this webinar four Catholic young adults take part in a moving and spirit-filled conversation about:
1) What climate justice means to them.
2) How their faith and/or spirituality informs their work for climate justice.
3) How they imagine their lives in a climate-changed world.
4) What they desire in their relationships with people from other generations, especially older ones, as they confront the climate crisis.
5) Their dreams for the church.

Restore Our Common Home, 2021

The 2021 Earth Day program theme is “Restore Our Common Home”, a theme that addresses how as people of faith we must urgently act to not only protect but restore God’s beautiful gift of creation. The one-hour educational and prayer program is e the perfect way for our families, parishes, schools, and religious communities to prepare for the Vatican’s launch of the Laudato Si’ Action Platform in May 2021.

The Pastoral Center Creation Care Resources

We are delighted to highlight Catholic Creation Care resources and tools for parish leaders from our friends at The Pastoral Center.  Their resources* are designed to coach, equip, and empower parish leaders to invite their community to better care for creation. These materials are recommended to anyone wishing to engage with the Laudato Si' Action Platform.

*Sales from the links below help support the ministry of Catholic Climate Covenant
