- Completed a parish-wide energy audit, available for reference when the parish considers building additions and updating equipment
- Started “Give up Plastic for Lent” challenge: over 300 people signed up to give up using plastic bags and bottles during Lent
- Currently working with the Plastilite Company to collect Styrofoam during the week between Christmas and New Year’s. Plastilite turns the Styrofoam into surfboards, coolers, screwdriver handles, etc. The CCT sent information about the project to many of the Omaha parishes and all the Papillion churches to join them in their efforts.
- Placed a wooden box in the Social Hall and one of the entrances to the church for people to deposit dead batteries. They have been advertising this project in the bulletin and will continue into the new year.
- Held a St. Francis Day celebration with a Blessing of the Animals