The Integrity of Creation Committee at Our Lady Queen of Peace in Arlington, VA focuses its endeavors on “Education, Action and Advocacy.” The committee has met regularly for four years, and creates intentional activities to engage the parish. It has engaged the resources from the Catholic Climate Covenant to assist in prayer, reflection, as well as outreach endeavors to political figures. The Our Lady Queen of Peace’s team searches for meaningful and effective ways to reach the broad range of parishioners. It also balances times of prayerful reflection with action to make change towards a more sustainable way of life.
Major accomplishments:
- Created series of bulletin reflections during Lent 2016 and 2017 that corresponded to the chapters of Laudato Si"
- Initiated petition signing and postcard mailings after weekend masses to encourage Congress to advocate for the Clean Air Act and started a bike/walk/carpool to Mass weekend
- Held a panel discussion in 2016 to offer perspectives on Laudato Si' that included Dan Misleh, Dr. Stephen Barbieri, and Dr. Leah Rampy